my psychotic chicken little style rants and ramblings- while on the road to self reliance.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I will miss tampons-hygiene kit

I have been working on a hygiene kit, and I am almost done with it. I will take pictures and post them when I am finished. Since I try and prep for the worst case scenario, hygiene has been a big subject on my mind. What am I going to use if I can not buy toilet paper? Tampons? What if I can not use my toilet? After 'it" hits the fan, the poop keeps coming... so what are we going to do with it? I know after the earth quake in Haiti there was an outbreak of cholera. Staying clean and free of disease is not easy after a catastrophe.
Instead of buying a butt load of tampons, and storing a butt load of tampons I thought a good option would be a diva cup or  moon cup or even a soft cup. If you search for menstrual cups- you will be surprised at how many different types there are. There is always the option of using a natural sea sponge.
The I learned from a friend how bad tampons really are. You might already know this because I am usually the last person to know anything. After I found out about tampons, I asked a few of my friends about them, and they all knew- so this may be snooze-ville to you BUT if you did not know....
tampons contain many things that are bad for your health like dioxins. Tampon makers bleach the tampons and cancer causing dioxins are by-products of the bleach. There is also conflicting information about tampons containing asbestos, but I happen to believe they do. It is said that the reason asbestos is in tampons, is that the asbestos will make you bleed more, and there for you will buy more tampons. After learning the truth about the tobacco industry and the food industry.... asbestos in tampons makes perfect sense to me. This article talks allot about the truth of tampons, and again if you search it you will find so much information.

But really bottom line it just pisses me off. Can I not just have one thing? One thing in this world that will not kill me slowly with cancer of any type?

Unless I grow my veggies and fruits they all come from a whole different country because the United states can not seem to produce anything anymore. The seed is planted and fertilized with night soil, then it is sprayed will all sorts of pesticides, and picked before it is ripe and then flown here. Just to be waxed beyond recognition once it arrives at the store.

My beef and chicken is riddled with hormones. Milk is complete trash and will give my kids boobs by the time they are 9 years old.
My clothing choices are synthetic crap, and all made by a 5 year old in some different country and laced with bed bugs.

The air is toxic.

Fast food is toxic. Even a sit down restaurant is questionable. One of my favorite things in the world was buffalo wings until a few year ago I was studying oils and learned that rancid oils are completely carcinogenic. Guess what they fry the wings in? Yep.

Cell phones, computers, televisions-anything we plug in give off EMF's. You can read about EMF's here

Seriously? What do I have? And now I can't even have the simple sweet pleasure of a tampon! I am so pissed about this. I will be purchasing a menstrual cup, and I will let you know how it goes.

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